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Research Seminar: Conducting primary care research within the geriatric long-term care setting
Research Seminar: Can primary care influence the care trajectories of older adults with dementia?
Top Geriatric Research Articles of 2020
CORE PIs on Stage Seminar - February 23, 2022 - Dr. Claire Godard-Sebillotte
Policy Rounds: Coordinated Aging in Place Services with Integrated Primary Health Care
Looking after people with multiple long-term conditions in primary care - what needs to change?
Integrated Primary Care
32-Strengthening the geriatric workforce for implementing care for healthy ageing
The role of STEM for Primary Care for Older Adults in Africa
"Rural Geriatrics: Making your n=1 Count" by Emma Bjore, MD
Emerging Models of Integrated Geriatric Behavioral Health
Aging, Cognitive Impairment, and Oral Health Disparities: Interdisciplinary Approaches